Molasses; In sugar beet and sugar cane production in sugar factories, it is the last syrup of sugar that cannot be taken back to fabrication at the fabrication stage. Molasses; It is the basic raw material in alcohol, yeast and feed industries. It is also used as a raw material in citric acid fermentation because it is cheap.
Molasses Supply
İbrahim Şeflek Nakliyat is one of the oldest and pioneering suppliers of the country in the field of molasses and lashings. Molasses and chime can be supplied throughout the year in line with your demands. Please contact us to supply molasses with our timely delivery, quality and stocking assurance.

Molasses Transportation
We transport molasses to all points in the country with our self-owned tankers, which are completely suitable for molasses transportation.

Molasses Storage
We provide services in the field of Molasses Storage in our facility with a capacity of 5,000 tons established on an area of 10,000 square meters in the center of Konya.